Boosted by Parson Gotti's improbable triumph in Book 1, the forces of Gobwin Knob now strike at the capital city of their enemy Jetstone. But hidden powers and secret plans unfold, leaving Parson fighting for his life. This enormous hardcover book is a rich and complex look at a single major battle, told from every side. In addition to 114 ultra-dense color comic pages, it contains over 85,000 words of illustrated prose about Erfworld's characters and universe. An illustrated synopsis of Book 1 is included. Written by Rob Balder, illustrated by Xin Ye and David Hahn.
Dimensions: 10" X 14" Hardcover
248 pages including:
114 Full color comic pages, 59 Illustrated text updates, 5 Parson Klog entries, and Summer Updates 22-49 all illustrated by Xin Ye
Plus: 25 Epilogues illustrated by David Hahn, with additional new bonus art